
TIME: 08.2022–12.2022

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The App Memoir is designed based on the insights encountered during my user research on people, conversation spaces, and their interaction. I took the following insights ahead “People do not recall their museum/exhibit visits so well, and they often feel overwhelmed while interacting with Conservation Spaces”. This insight helped me work on this passive documentation service which is guided by the user's movement and stay duration around artifacts. The app aims to make this interaction with a space more organised and intuitive by letting the User define their journey and simply organizing the data they prefer.



In the past, engaging with art and culture in conservation spaces was a more intimate and immersive endeavor. Visitors would spend extended periods of time contemplating and absorbing the nuances of each artwork. It was a slower, more contemplative approach, allowing individuals to form their own unique connections with the art.

However, with the advent of digital media and technological advancements, our consumption patterns have changed. Today, we have access to an overwhelming amount of visual data and media content, which has made consuming art and culture easier and faster than ever before. While this accessibility brings its advantages, it also comes with some challenges.
The increasing reliance on algorithms and popular culture has led to a more standardized and repetitive consumption experience.
Moreover, the speed at which we consume visual data has also impacted our engagement with art and culture. Quick swipes and rapid scrolling can prevent us from fully immersing ourselves in the intricacies of a piece or fully appreciating the context in which it was created. 


We consume a lot of media and visual data when it comes to art/culture.
Despite these challenges, there are opportunities to strike a balance between the benefits of technology and the preservation of meaningful interactions in conservation spaces.

Research & Testing


These digital solutions try to solve a variety of problems like ticketing, map based and discovering daily art. A very wide range of interfaces in this space. Ranging from Meta verse museum exhibits to link to youtube videos coined as virtual exhibit.

72.7% people use devices in a museum to take pictures and save things that interest them.


I conducted my research with a pool of 5 people and synthesizes their responses around their journeys. Some intresting points that came up were around- accessibility, recall-value, timing and understanding your artistic self.


Using the insights gathered from my research, I identified the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats or risks linked with pursuing a digital product in this specific problem space.

Meta Insight #1

Understanding what the child truly requires is one of the most difficult aspects of parenting.
> How Might We?

Help parents identify and interpret the non-verbal cues and signals that their child uses to communicate their needs and emotions.

Meta Insight #2

Understanding what the child truly requires is one of the most difficult aspects of parenting.

> How Might We?

Help parents identify and interpret the non-verbal cues and signals that their child uses to communicate their needs and emotions.

Meta Insight #3

Understanding what the child truly requires is one of the most difficult aspects of parenting.

> How Might We?

Help parents identify and interpret the non-verbal cues and signals that their child uses to communicate their needs and emotions.



I ran across some solutions based on ticketing, finding relevant art to visit and documenting your tours. Gamifying the experince and adding more to the already extensive journey I had to be careful about keeping this journey passive.


A variety of responses ranging from- Not comfortable with a live map available all the time, it negates the purpose of immersing in the moment and distract the user while walking.  The users were curious about having any social intercations within the app and how to still keep a personal diary appeal to its usability.


Testing my Mid-fi led to more detailed feedbacks in terms of  features and scope of the design. It gave me fodder for the next steps n detailing like map views, filters,sharing options, search, profiles and info I want to present. I incorporated those user feedbacks and revised the Midfi.

Scoping the Product


Scoping the product in terms of the hero flow and priorities features basis the interview.


The journey map helped focus on all touchpoints and emotions.

Final Product


The branding combines the charm of a vintage diary with the functionality of a modern-day digital tool. With its de-saturated primary colors and elegant book-inspired aesthetics. Drawing inspiration from classic literature, Memoir utilizes a combination of serif and sans serif fonts. The serif font brings a touch of elegance and refinemen, Meanwhile, the sans serif font embodies functionality and readability, ensuring a seamless and efficient user experience. Using colored blocks in the UI, is just like flipping through the pages of a diary adorned with colorful sticky notes, you can effortlessly organize, curate, and reflect on your artistic endeavors. 


  1. Memoir accurately records the time you spend in front of each artwork, ensuring you never miss a moment of inspiration. Simply open the app, select the museum, and let Memoir do the rest.
  2. Stay Time Calculation: By utilizing advanced algorithms, Memoir precisely calculates the duration of your stay in front of each artwork. Gain valuable insights into your art preferences and see which pieces captivate you the most.

Memoir precisely calculates the duration of your stay in front of each artwork.
Gain valuable insights into your art preferences and see which pieces
captivate you the most.


Personalized Art Diary: Memoir creates a personalized art diary for you, showcasing the artworks you've encountered and the time spent appreciating each one. Relive your museum visits and reminisce about your favorite artistic encounters.

Based on your preferences and past engagements, Memoir offers tailored recommendations for new artworks and exhibitions that align with your artistic taste. Build a comprehensive archive of your art experiences.


Seamless Integration: Memoir seamlessly integrates with museum databases, providing you with accurate and up-to-date information about the artworks and exhibitions you encounter. Expand your knowledge and delve deeper into the world of art.


Search option is available across all pages except the mapping screens . The search overlay allows for recent searches and also suggests combinations, time, era, artists.
It generates data across time and all your trips to give consolidated groupings.

Map View & Calender View:

Visualize Your Artistic Footprints

Dive into the Map View to see a geographical representation of all the museums and art spaces you've visited over time. Each location is marked with a pin, allowing you to easily identify the places you've explored.Zoom in, pan around, and explore the map to discover clusters of museums in specific regions or countries.
Gain a global perspective on your art journey and appreciate the diverse cultural experiences you've encountered.

Switch to the Calendar View to see a chronological representation of your art journeys.
Each museum visit is displayed as an event on the calendar, making it easy to review your past engagements.
Different colors or icons can be used to represent different museums or art exhibitions, creating a visually engaging experience.
Click on a specific event to view more details, such as the artworks you encountered and the duration of your visit.

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︎Coded by︎
inasiddiqui @ 2023

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